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OOKA and seven9 Collaborate To Shift The Cannabis Industry With New Consumption Device

The California cannabis industry welcomes a new, innovative ecosystem designed specifically for social consumption: OOKA and seven9.

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OOKA is a lifestyle-forward technology ecosystem perfectly suited for social consumption of non-intoxicating herbal blends, cannabis and other combustibles. Designed by a former lead engineer for Dyson’s best-in-class household tech products, OOKA represents a new way to consume inhalable products from collaborating brand seven9, as well as future brand partners.

seven9 is an innovative inhalable consumption format designed for group sessions that are a tech-savvy take on the classic puff-puff pass. Seven9 pods combine flavorful and
complementary herbal ingredients with top-quality cannabis that can be mixed and matched to curate the ideal vibe for any social occasion. Designed for the OOKA system—which is comparable to the Keurig or Nescafe of combustibles—seven9 pods are designed for ease of use and cleanup, intuitive dosing, and the creation of shared memories.

Already a favorite amongst celebrities like Wiz Khalifa, the OOKA device is uniquely built with a passable hose-style mouthpiece mimicking the nostalgia of puff, puff, passing, while still embracing modern inhalation innovation with best-in-class, heat-not-burn technology.

Functioning together in perfect harmony of tradition and innovation, nature and technology, the effects-based seven9 pods, made with premium cannabis flower, pop easily into the OOKA device for a 45-minute session for up to 3-4 people, revolutionizing the way we think about cannabis consumption.