
Home Life With Charlee Black, Owner of Good Friends Studio

As we all adjust to our current living conditions, many have and some are finding their homes to be a creative and a safe haven so we ask several photographers and creatives to share what their homes look like and how they are adapting to this way of living.

Charlee Black

Let’s begin by talking about your first introduction to cannabis and what led you to fall in love with the plant?

My first weed experience was when I was about 14-15 years old. I was with a friend at a local park late at night. It was the shittest bud that you could get in Midwestern suburbia. I remember we used some a bit of notebook paper – which was idiotic. We eventually settled on the disgusting crushed soda can. I didn’t start to respect the plant until almost 5 years later at the start of my twenties.

Why do you use cannabis now?

As someone with a generalized anxiety disorder, cannabis provides a natural relaxant to my mind and body. However, the use of cannabis also stimulates my creative side. I enjoy the highs that are available through multiple ways of consumption. I also enjoy the ritualistic habits of indulging. It’s a way to service myself.

What are your favorite strains and why?

CHERRY DIESEL! Whether in CBD or THC I love the flavor and almost balanced feel that it provides for me.

What are your favorite products at the moment?

I recently came across a delivery service in my area that carries an array of topicals, treats & tinctures. I am a huge CBD lover so the Y​uyo Botanics​entire line is amazing but I take the PM Formula for Sleep. I love the ​Tonic Chronic CBD Roller​ for back pain. *both brands are women owned

What do you do for a living?

I am a professional photographer. I also own and operate Good Friends Studio ( / which is a visual project management collective. I create contemporary visuals for independent brands.

What do you love about your job?

I love productions and the community aspect of creation. I love that everyone contributes to a solid mission; to create something unique and dynamic. I also love that I am able to create expressively and fluidly through personal work and paid commercial work.

In your experience, what have been some challenges you faced in your position?

The trap of self-comparison. Especially as artists, content creators, etc , it’s very easy to feel that you don’t level up. It’s purely a mind trick that is easy to slip into. I have to remind myself often that I deserve to be in this space because I’ve worked hard to do so. It’s wild what you can accomplish when you get out of your own way.

Currently, we’re facing the global pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19, which has definitely affected the cannabis industry. Has this affected you and what do you think will happen to the industry for the foreseeable future?

COVID-19 has truly given a sense of pause in a physical space. However, I must say it doesn’t feel like a pause for education and growth both personally and professionally. We have a unique situation learning to adapt and change the way we do things moving forward. I am very interested in the “pivot” stage that we are all having to face. It’s inspiring to see what we are capable of right now.

I hope that this situation illuminates antiquated thinking. From prisons, to federal legalization to opening the industry to more black and brown owners. I hope that we come out of this with a stronger sense of community near and far.I mean if not now, then when?

What state are you in and how are things currently as a result to COVID-19?

I am not in a legal state. For the sake of my privacy, I will kindly say the Midwest. I have been quarantined since March 14. I must say, as my state opens up I will remain in my home. Personally, I feel that it’s my responsibility as someone in my community to do what I can to protect myself, my partner and my loved ones.

What are some things you are doing to stay productive while we’re in quarantine?

I’m actually quite blessed to be in a relationship with someone who loves to run. We have recently gotten a treadmill and this has been a massive help for me to get active first thing in the morning (something that I’ve always wanted to do).

I have loved everyone’s accessibility. I’ve been a part of multiple zoom calls, workshops and even a fun bingo/dance party. To see what others are doing to stay sane has been a saving grace. Connection.

If there was one strain or product left on earth for you to try, what would it be?

Hands down Blue Dream. The new cannabis food competition on Netflix has taught me that a blue dream 3-course feast would honestly be my dream. Bomb ass food + cannabis = my euphoria.

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